In Gujarat, from August 1, for not wearing a mask and spitting in public, There will be a fine of 500
The state government has ordered strict action against those wearing masks and spitting in public from August 1 in view of the rising number of cases of corona in the state. From August 1, Rs. A fine of Rs 200 will be levied.
State Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani said the fight against Corona was a long one and it was mandatory for him to wear a mask. From August 1, in Gujarat, people who wear masks and spit in public will get Rs. The state government has decided to levy a fine of Rs 500. The mask will be available from Amul Milk Parlor in Gujarat at a cost of Rs. 2 for the purpose of making it easily available to the people.
During the hearing on Corona's condition, the high court had also told the state government that Rs. Charge a fine of Rs. Wearing a mask, hand sanitizing and adhering to social distance are crucial as the global epidemic of the novel corona virus culminates and more than 55,000 cases are reported in the state. For this purpose, the state government has earlier collected Rs. 200 fine increased to Rs. 500 have done
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